Sunday, February 14, 2010

Momo and Acupuncture

I must post simply to include this photograph:

It is a marmoset. Its name (don't know the gender) is Momo. I was at my acupuncturist's on Friday and saw the photograph in a magazine and almost died from happiness. I want to eat it (on a roll with spicy brown mustard), it's so cute. I may not like Broadway plays, but little furry animals make me practically squeal. Look at its hair! Look how patiently it sits for the camera! What a good marmoset!
I was reading an article about...I think it was animals' memories. Or maybe it was about animals communicating with sign language? Except there was a bird in the article, so I think it had something to do with learning and memory. What stood out for me about the marmoset was the fact that it lacks "impulse control," which may prevent it from evolving; I can relate to that.
I love my acupuncturist. He is kind and gentle and possesses a good sense of humor; in other words, he thinks I'm funny. He's a nice American Jewish man. This is important to me - the fact that he's a native English speaker. I need to explain every nuance of my anxiety so that he can put the needles in the right place and get that qi flowing where it needs to. I have a friend who was bragging that she received acupuncture for only $35/hour in Chinatown. Meanwhile, she and the acupuncturist couldn't understand each other. Maybe he was treating her for boils or a swollen vulva when she had insomnia. In addition, she said that the office she went to was filthy. A cockroach crawled across the ceiling while she was lying there with needles protruding from her forehead and ears. Fuck that. I would scream like a girl.

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